Monday, January 31, 2011

Let's Start Teaching - by Emma

Okay kids listen up! Today we are going to learn about the Whangdoodle! Hi! I'm Emmalyn, I'm 10 years old and in the fifth grade and I want to become a teacher!

If you want to become a teacher you must stay in school and have to get a degree. If you are not sue you have the real desire to become a teacher you can become a substitute first and see if you would like to still become a teacher.

When I was in 1st grade I became interested in teaching. When I was in 4th grade my mom and dad bought me an art easel with the flippable white board that I like to play pretend teacher with. I get good practice that way!

Here is some advise I would like to give you : Stay in school, get good grades, and learn a lot of subjects. If you want to be a teacher, it isn't going to come to you automatically. You have to keep trying and don't give up!

Did you write all of this down? If you did, now you are on the road to becoming a teacher. You just need to find a school to work at :)

1 comment:

Monica said...

I loved reading this, Emma! You are an amazing girl. You would make a great teacher because you are smart, helpful to others, kind, and so much more. I believe you can be and do anything you set your mind to.